Video Analytics
Making sense of all those videos and images
While CCTV are the eyes of a security system, video analytics are the brains of the security system. Without Video Analytics even the most elaborately planned CCTV system is nothing more than a video data collection and retrieval system.
An array of Video analytical applications are now developed to cater to most requirements. Some of the most popular ones are:
- Face Recognition
- Automatic Number plate recognition
- Motion detection
- Left object detection
- Advanced behavior analysis such as tripping and falling, loitering, rioting.
- Fire and Smoke detection
- Situational analysis such as crowd gathering exceeding accepted limits, traffic flow, etc
There are many applications available in the market, making it difficult to choose the right one for the task. Some CCTV cameras and VMS systems now include simple analytics in built. These are suitable for basic analytical tasks like motion detection and people counting but do not have the processing power to handle complex applications like face recognition.
Accordingly, identifying the right application for a given mission or area gives not only the best results, but also reduces the number of cameras required to achieve that task, which is a win-win situation. The savings from the cameras and storage often negating the cost of the video analytic software in the first place.
Other factors to be considered while selecting video analytics is whether the analysis is to be done in a crowded uncontrolled environment like a mall or a street or singular controlled environment like an immigration desk at the airport. Often, we cannot control the environment and subsequently choosing the right solution becomes crucial.
Video Analytics success depends on the quality of the image and the power of the algorithms and processing power the analytic engine provides. While choosing the right video analytics package some important factors need to be considered, such as whether the analytics are camera specific or camera agnostic, (normally we would prefer the latter) Minimum CCTV resolution required, whether analytics are to be done for a crowded scene or poorly lit scene or fast moving scene etc. such as processing power needed, bandwidth demand and capacity, storage demands, must all be addressed by the right analytics system in order to get an optimum result.
A Good analytical solution should allow saving in camera numbers, Camera resolution, bandwidth demands, transmission costs and storage, which for any large +100 camera installation can translate into large savings.
Perin 7 has considerable experience in this space and can assist in resolving this complex yet essential aspect of a CCTV surveillance system, so that the project delivers the right results with minimal cost impact.
Cyber Intelligence & Cyber Security
Block them before they break you
Cyber Intelligence and cyber security are more often thrown around as a buzz words in discussions and contracts rather than actually being defined and used.
Threat to intellectual property, identity theft and state machinery is real and tangible today. Cyber attacks are not geographically defined, nor do traditional physical and electronic safeguards for other threat apply.
Any organization or institution whether in commerce, industry, defence or state needs to take practical and viable steps to protect their infrastructure from external and internal threats. The realm of cyber intelligence and security is enormous but here are some key steps that any useful program needs to follow to meet the set objectives or goals of a customer

- Planning and direction – Determine what your requirements are. To appropriately create any amount of intelligence out of information you should have a defined goal and intentions. This could be something as simple as wanting to know the command and control servers of a piece of malware so that you can block it on your network to wanting to know the type of information systems your target uses so that you can infiltrate them. As you move through the intelligence cycle you can go back and address the steps again (as an example if you get new data which reveals something you did not know, an intelligence gap, you may define a new goal).
- Collection – Where and how you acquire the data and information to process. This can be honeypots, Firewall logs, Intrusion Detection System logs, scans of the Internet, etc. You should know most of your available collection options while in the planning and direction phase so you can make reasonable goals or intelligence needs.
- Processing – The conversion of your collected information into something you can use. E.g. being able to access and sift through the data you collected. This may apply to how you store and access the data or the actual parsing of data such as converting it to human readable information such as ASCII from binary data.
- Production – This is the step in which you will take your data and turn it into an intelligence product. This is done through analysis and interpretation and thus is heavily dependent on the analyst. All produced reports should meet a defined intelligence need or goal from your planning and direction phase.
- Dissemination – Supplying your customer or user with the finished intelligence product. Ensure that the right type of information reaches the right persons.
- Feedback – Getting response from the end user or customer to make sure that your planning and direction phase lined up correctly with what was produced.
We advise our customers that there is no silver bullet or a single one-size fits-all solution in cyber security and intelligence. Of all the security challenges faced by an organization, this is the most demanding, as it is a constantly evolving one. And in order to be one up against your adversary you require repetitive cycles of intelligence gathering and penetration testing to ensure that your defenses are up to mark at all times.

Rf Jammers
Keeping the innocent safe 24/7
The cities of Madrid, Boston, Bagdad, Paris all share a common painful legacy. They have all been victims of terrorist bombings. Few cities in the world today can claim to be safe from radical elements hell-bent on destroying the fabric of civil life. In most cases their preferred tool of destruction are radio controlled improvised explosive devices or RCIEDs.
These RCIEDs are usually planted by the roadside or within a vehicle or even inside a building and detonated by means of a simple trigger pulse usually from simple mobile phones, radios or even key fobs. Any over the air technology that can transmit an RF signal can be used that to trigger the explosive device which is usually fitted with a receiver.
The most effective way to prevent detonation of these devices is to block these transmitters reaching the receiver. These are done by devices known as RF Jammers or Inhibitors.
Jamming is done either actively or reactively. Active jamming as the name suggests, constantly transmits jamming signals on multiple frequencies. Jamming techniques such as barrage jamming and sweep jamming can be deployed with active jamming depending on the situation. In reactive jamming, a detection algorithm is used to scan all the frequencies for perceived threat. When such a threat is noted, a measured jamming signal is transmitted to neutralize the threat. Reactive jamming is a newer technology; however, there are applications where active jamming is still preferred today.
Effective jamming solutions must employ a combination of jamming techniques including active and reactive, barrage and sweep depending on the mission requirements. Modern jamming equipment also allow certain communications through, while blocking all others ensuring that operators tasked with protecting the asset can continue to communicate with each other.
Jammers can be vehicle mounted, fixed or stationary and man-pack type. Each configuration has its advantages and limitations.
PERIN 7 services include identifying perceived threats, determining the correct product and configurations and ensuring operator training on these very important life saving devices.
Xrays And Scanners
If you hide it, we will find it
X-ray Scanners have become synonymous with Security. We help the customers chose the systems available in the market wisely.
New X ray systems employing Backscatter technology are more effective but expensive and may not be always needed.
Port Customs have a need for much larger scanners for containers and trucks. Some of these newer Container Scanning systems use gamma ray based detection technologies, which compete with backscatter in this space.
Apart from scanning for prohibited or dutiable substances at airports ports and properties, Special scanners can also be used for measurement of heavy vehicle loading, which in most nations is subject to rigorous control, since overloaded vehicles or unevenly loaded vehicle, more particularly are responsible for a lot of damage to the road surfaces.
Perin 7 - Making sense of all the technologies and offerings in the market to help our customers make the right choice.

Special Cctv Applications
You have a special Camera requirement, we have the solution
Specific needs from a growing number of specialist organizations and industry have led to a wide and diverse range of CCTV cameras, which although operate more or less in the same fundamental principles as conventional CCTV Cameras, differ mainly as a result of the purpose they were made for.
- Thermal Imaging Systems: For applications like long range visibility in the dark, and measuring even slightest variations in surface temperature, there are Thermal CCTV cameras that employ special sensing technology to create an image from different variations of temperature of the surroundings. Certain cameras can detect a change in temperature as little as 0.02°C. Thermal cameras can provide imagery over very long distance (as far as 30km in some cases) in any climactic conditions (dust, darkness, fog, rain) thus becoming an indispensible tool in border surveillance, night surveillance and search and rescue operations.
Thermal imaging systems can be used from surveillance, to fire fighting to industrial measurements to medical experiments. Our expertise is limited to those products that are used in security and fire fighting.
- Body Worn Cameras: Street cops, security guards and even traffic police now have the option of wearing a wireless body worn camera system which records and transmits in real time video and audio of the situation they are in by the single touch of a button. Such units are capable of providing GPS coordinates of the officer as well to the control room. These camera units typically are linked to a TETRA radio through which the officer can communicate to his team and the control room. Transmission from the camera can be done via radio (in low resolution) but also available now through GSM and Wifi.
A body worn camera system typically should be installed with a central back office operation allowing all the camera units to be stored, charged and data transmitted or downloaded. The back office provides the tools for video retrieval, archiving, report generation and GPS Coordinates mapping.
- Covert Surveillanc Systems: Collecting indictable evidence sometimes requires that the law permits enforcement officers to covertly record video and audio of known or suspected targets engaged in criminal activities.
The range of technology available is vast in this field, from products available for a few dollars to thousands of dollars. Many factors to be considered in selecting the correct system for such an operation, including the type of camera lens, microphone type, whether wired or wireless, power source, remote on/off capability, body worn or installed in a semi permanent location, distance from the reception station. These are some of the questions that must be answered before the correct product for the assignment can be selected.
- Explosion Proof Camera Systems: Industry, especially Oil and Gas has many restrictions in using electrical equipment near sites where gases or inflammable substances may occur. This has led to a whole new family of products developed for this purpose. CCTV being one of them, these systems operate as either conventional or thermal cameras but come housed in special housings, known as Explosion proof cameras which meet NEMA 4x standards
There are hundreds of manufacturers in these fields, and Perin 7 consultant team can present you with clear and concise facts to help you make an informed decision about the system selection all the way to project completion and support.
Hybrid Power And Wireless Network Solutions
No power cables or data cables required.
Increasingly, security operators, law enforcement officers, military and even industry are finding it a challenge to install and support CCTV in remote, hard to access locations where either there is no power lines available, no data cables available or very difficult to obtain.
New RF Radio technologies offer wireless transmission of video and data over long distances (40km and more) through radios in the non-licensed and licensed spectrum. The data transmitted is reliable, with high throughput over a wide bandwidth, with - very low latency (as is demanded for CCTV transmission) secured by encryption and coded parity checks.
While radios solve the problem of wireless video and data transmission, the challenge of finding alternative energy can be met by specially designed off grid power devices such as inclusive solar systems and wind systems, that are relatively independent.
As a typical example, a remote outpost, or a border security station, or even a pumping well in the middle of the desert would require 1 or 2 cameras viewing the area around and continuously transmitting the information back to the control room. To meet such a requirement, we can offer a very unique and reliable solution that has already been put into operation in a number of projects around the world.

The brief for such a project would entail RF radios, CCTV cameras and an alternative or hybrid energy solution which offers enough power for 24 hrs to power these and other devices mounted securely in a remote location without any data cables or any power lines, enabling continuous and reliable transmission of video images over long distances.
The radio operation and solar operations are integrated so it is possible for operators to monitors individual radio parameters, solar battery levels, and even control certain functions remotely. The back office can manage hundreds of radios and solar systems on a single platform installed in that group.
Apart from obvious applications in perimeter security and surveillance in remote sites, this technology solution can also be used in street surveillance, and industrial areas where generators are noisy or where power lines are not allowed such as oil and gas service areas which are governed by explosion proof classifications.