New Product Introduction
Knowledge is power
Our team at Perin7 Solutions has extensive experience of providing new products a launch pad into the Middle East market. Our knowledge of local regulations and customer expectations allows us to identify unique products and concepts that could be introduced into the markets, either as the first entrant or with considerable advantage against established peers.
We also advise and assist our principals with
- Competition information: Very crucial even for unique products.
- Localization: From reworking presentations, to translations and ensuring cultural sensitivities are taken into consideration
- Beta testing: Providing feedback from a selected group of proven customers or known associates who can offer very helpful first hand information about the product and its performance.
- Market feedback: Survey and data gathering on performance of these products in the market post launch.
Strategic Partnerships
Business is built on trust and support
Few companies today can boast in-house expertise in all aspects of the business spectrum. Most firms need external help when it comes to moving to the next level. We at Perin7 assist our customers with identifying suitable companies, organizations and sometimes individuals to partner with. Strategic partnerships are increasingly important in today’s market - whether to gain new customers; reach new markets; increase capital; cut cost by sharing resources; gain technical expertise or extend product lines.
Our clients usually approach us to gain access to a new market, or increased capital or both. We are well aware that no matter what product is introduced, without adequate finance and the right representation of the product through distributors, dealers, agents and integrators, the chances of success in a competitive, flexibly structured market such as the Middle East can be a challenge.

Our success has been our access to a wide range of business partners and investors covering every facet of operation and in practically every region. Associating the right people with the right product is key to a successful venture

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know
Networking is an essential tool in the continued growth of any business. Networking adds tangible results such as new partnerships, new customers, reinforces relationships and aids in sharing of ideas and concepts.
Networking however, costs time and money. Especially for a new entrant in the market, be it for a product or service, the cost of customer acquisition is very high. Most firms nowadays do not have the luxury of extra funds or staff to manage the huge overload that comes with a new launch, or relaunch.
Nevertheless, without the right levels of exposure and networking, it would be pointless to expect a product or project to have a sustainable future especially in the Middle Eastern business landscape where interests and trends change as fast as the shifting sands of the desert.
Therefore, we at PERIN7 understand that it is crucial the brand or product be visible and in front of the potential customers and end users at all times. We first need to understand the product or service and then we are in a better position to identify the target market. Once we have established who our target customers are, we then advise and assist our partners select and implement the most appropriate networking tools for their application, helping them achieve results at a significant saving in time and money.