Non Lethal Close Combat Techniques
Sweat now, so you don’t bleed later
Law enforcement and military personnel around the world put their well being and even lives on the line in order to protect our way of life and our national interests. However in an urban situation, any law enforcement challenge has to be met with a measured force and by legally approved means. As an example, in many countries, sale and the use of devices like pepper sprays or Tasers are outlawed. As a result, most law enforcement officers have little more than their skills to keep the streets safe. Training helps develop those skills and techniques needed to give the officers an edge when bring down law breakers. Training also keeps them safe.
Through our associates in the USA who have over 25 years experience in law enforcement and law enforcement training methods from US Police Academies and US Military, we provide a wide selection of training modules to law enforcement personnel in non-lethal close combat training programs to win over against even the most determined adversaries in an urban environment without any collateral damage or lawsuits.
These programs are tailor made for policemen on patrol, military police, special forces in riot situations or similar scenarios. Some of these training modules include – unarmed close combat techniques; street psychology in a combative situation; basic and advanced baton techniques; submission and handcuff techniques.
Prison Officer & Guard Training Programs
What you practice is what you’ll do when it counts
Perin 7 offers comprehensive officer and guard training programs that focuses on building the capacity and capability of new and existing staff. Our consultants have a wealth of experience in training senior management, managers and staff. In association with our partners in the UK, we develop programs for the customer taking into account sentencing frameworks, legal requirements and wider cultural sensitivities.
The programs also assist in providing direction to the senior officers’ team with regards to offender management, custodial and community support, the structure of security teams and alignment of their intelligence capabilities among their various branches.
Our guards training modules includes procedural and dynamic security, reception into custody and first night management; induction and pre-release discharge processes; management of communication and control rooms; internal prisoner movements; security management; incident management; prisoner discipline procedures; segregation of prisoners; cell and area searching; visits booking and management; prisoner communication services; specialist units.
Whether for Police officers, Prison officers or Guards, we can offer the customer a wealth of training modules all tailored to meet their specific requirements. All training modules through our associates are certified and can be accredited.

Offender Rehabilitation Programs
Do the crime, then do the time.
Perin7 consultant associates based in the UK have considerable experience in the Justice Sector – including expertise within Policing, Prisons, Courts and Community Justice Services, working with male, female and young offenders.
Our professional team of experts offer expertise in all aspects of offender rehabilitation programs including assessments (offender risks and needs; program planning), categorisation and allocation for prison custody; management of the custodial sentence and post-release period.
Our expertise is drawn from working with Government and Private Providers in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA.