Cctv Solutions
The all seeing eyes
CCTV surveillance forms the core of any security system. In many towns and cities legislations are passed to make it mandatory to have a CCTV system planned for a public or commercial project before it is passed by the local authorities. While it is inevitable that CCTV surveillance or Big Brother is here to stay, designing the right CCTV system to meet a requirement is not a simple task.
The sensors or eyes of the CCTV system are the cameras. While selecting a camera, various parameters have to be considered, least of all the brand or the manufacturer as literally there are hundreds of brands made by the same OEM suppliers. Instead focus should be on functionality and performance. We like to start with its purpose. What do we want to see through that camera? What is the object of interest in the view that we wish to get? Is it a door, or a face, or movement in an area? If we are able to associate a purpose or application with each camera or each area to be monitored, we can greatly cut down on unnecessary camera surveillance, bandwidth and storage and be able to create a much more effective CCTV system.
Answers to the above questions help decide whether the camera required is fixed or PTZ, what kind of lens is required, what sort of additional functions such as backlight compensation, dynamic contrast, resolution, and light sensitivity are required.
While the selection of the right camera is an important aspect, it is not the be all and end all of designing a CCTV system. Once we get the camera selection right, we need to focus on the other aspects of CCTV design, such as technology (IP or analog) transmission ( wireless, cabled or fiber), bandwidth, storage capacity, built in resilience and redundancy, lighting optimization between cameras and artificial lighting, CCTV monitoring, Data management, etc. These are some other challenges that need to be addressed while designing an effective CCTV system.
PERIN7 provides CCTV consultancy with an independent and unbiased approach. We have no allegiance to manufacturers or installers of Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) products & systems, which means that our advice is always focused on providing the best solution for the best value to meet our clients requirements. Apart from the technical and operational demands of a project there are often cultural and legal requirements that have to be taken into consideration while developing an effective CCTV system in that country or state.
The international CCTV Industry has hundreds of manufacturers of cameras, display, control and recording systems and solutions. We help you sift through the myriad of formats available to determine the best option for the project.
Video Door Entry & Automation Solutions
Comfort with Safety and Convenience.
Modern housing communities comprising of villas, apartments and building spaces - are becoming more and more connected, with security, comfort and communication being an inclusive aspect of system design.
As the world moves towards the iOT it becomes more essential that important aspects of an office or home, whether that be for security, communications or comfort, be reliable and seamlessly interlinked.

In terms of residential or commercial security, apart from CCTV, the other most important aspect is door or passage control. The ability to allow or restrict the passage of individuals, or the flow of vehicles and goods within the complex under design must be considered. Our design takes into account that in most cases, residential and commercial projects are not meant to be Fort Knox, so while a thorough risk assessment needs to be done to ensure the safety and security of tenants and assets, at the same time it should not impede the smooth flow of life and business within its walls.
Another key factor in modern living or working environment is communication within the project. A good communication system should allow centralized and decentralized points of communication, including group call, intercommunication, door entry intercom and facility management communication.
And finally a project design for such applications should also include various functions in automation and HVAC control whether it is for lighting, heating and cooling or for specialized applications such as blinds control, auditorium management and automated activation of devices such as alarms, gate barriers and water pumps. Such automated functions, if judiciously applied can pay for themselves by cutting utility bills as well as improving the efficiency of the project.
Whether our customer is a single home owner or a multiplex condominium, we provide them with the right inputs to ensure comfort with peace of mind.

Access Control Solutions
Who has the key to open the door
Access control solutions nowadays are seen in practically all aspects of day to day life. We find electronic and physical access control in some form or the other, whether in simple offices, homes, large commercial and industrial complexes or public areas such as airports, ports, crossings and roadways.
Access control devices include physical access control devices from traditional lock and key to automated bollards and boom barriers. as well as electronic access control automated solutions including card readers, biometric readers, keypads, RFID readers and optical readers. and to such as. We help the client select the systems and solution that best suits them.
The configuration and system structure for access control systems are complex and diverse. Access Control Systems can be stand alone, or centrally controlled or distributed control, or even integrated with third party software or hardware making this a system one of the most challenging aspects of security design. To add to the confusion, these systems do not always share a common platform or protocol, so it requires careful design and collaboration to ensure reliable operation. Access Control systems present themselves in various standards for communication such as TCP/ IP based, RS 422, RS 485 or RS 232 based. Each topology comes with their list of applications and limitations.
Possibly the most crucial aspect of designing a good access control system, and one that is often overlooked at design stage is the system configuration, operational flow chart and report generation. Many points need to be considered before implementing an effective access control system in an organization. Some questions that should be asked during design stage are - Who is allowed into this room? What times of the day do they have access? Do they need a supervisor when entering? Do they need to clock in and out? An comprehensive list of questions need to be asked, answered and factored in during the design stage so that the final outcome is to the customers’ expectations and operational demands.
Perimeter Protection Solutions
The castle is only as secure as its weakest link
Perimeter security is designed with the primary purpose to either keep intruders out or captives contained within the area the boundary surrounds. Both natural and manmade fortifications can serve as perimeter security.
Property owners and organizations of all sizes use various man-made technologies to achieve varying degrees of perimeter security. Even Governments utilize perimeter security - not only for the safety of their citizens, but to control the flow of commerce and immigration, as well as to protect vital infrastructure from vandals and terrorists.
Modern perimeter security technology or Perimeter Intrusion detection system (PIDS) employs a range of electronic sensors to protect wider areas with less manpower involved. Technologies such as Infra red, RF, Radar, Microwave, buried cable, tense cable are just a few of the varied options available to provide electronic perimeter protection. Coupled with traditional fencing methods, sterile zone allocations, Spot lighting, PTZ cameras and video analytics, these modern Perimeter protection systems cue onto targets for quick evaluation of the threat and response.

In some special cases like the military, a rapidly deployable perimeter protection solution is demanded and this requires new technology solutions such as Secure wireless communications and portable perimeter protection which need to be deployed in minutes to provide temporary perimeter security.
At Perin 7 we believe that as your perimeter is your first line of defence, and in some cases, your only line of defence, a proper risk analysis and cost analysis needs to be done to determine the right solution. Regardless of your project or requirements, we can help you develop a perimeter solution ideally suitable to your needs.

Secure City Planning
When all the cogwheels spin perfectly together
The new buzz word of this decade is smart cities. Planners worldwide are working towards making the cities “smarter”. In certain cases this can mean provision of fiber networks, while in others it can have a more “all inclusive” scenario including transport management, data processing, information distribution, and automated response on advanced PSIM models.
As one can imagine, smart cities would require a gamut of technology and data encompassing all assets within a typical urban development including but not limited to local departments' information systems, schools, libraries, transportation systems, hospitals, power plants, water supply networks, waste management, law enforcement, and other community services.
Perin7 offers smart city planning within the fields of Security and communication, which can include , CCTV city surveillance, video analytics, traffic management, violation processing, automated emergency response to threats and accidents, transmission of data, voice and video within the area of control, multiple command and control centers, back office operation and storage organization.
Designing and developing a master plan for a smart city is a daunting task and most agencies and Governments prefer to start with smaller easier to manage bits and build on it. We advise on our areas of expertise namely security and communication and provide a road map of what functionalities and capabilities can be offered to the stakeholders such as the municipality, Police, traffic, emergency services, in way of providing better connectivity, response time and information gathering and processing. We also provide support and assistance in integrating our portion of technology with other areas of technology and liaise with experts in their respective fields and with city-planners to chalk out a sustainable master plan for the cities of tomorrow.